ThingSpace Connectivity Management API

NOTE: There are new documentation pages that contains updated dynamic code generation & SDK downloads. You can access the new documents here.  



The ThingSpace Connectivity Management API allows you to add and activate devices, check their status, monitor their usage, monitor their reachability for Data and SMS communication as well as their connection status, and perform other device connectivity management tasks through a RESTful API. You can use the API to add connectivity management to anything from small apps to enterprise software systems, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply chain management and customer service management. The API provides a secure, standards-compliant REST interface to the web services at the ThingSpace Data Center.

You can also view and manage devices by logging in to the ThingSpace Manage portal available through your Verizon Enterprise Solutions, Verizon My Business, or your ThingSpace IoT Developers Marketplace account.

ThingSpace Connectivity Management API for ThingSpace IoT Developers

After completing the steps in the “Getting Started with ThingSpace APIs” in the Getting Started section, you can use Connectivity Management APIs to do the following:

  • Start and end Connectivity Management sessions
  • Activate, deactivate, and delete devices
  • Retrieve device usage history
  • Send and retrieve SMS messages
  • Register callback URLs
  • Get account information
  • Get device location and location reports
  • Schedule firmware upgrades


A complete list of supported Connectivity Management and Device APIs for ThingSpace for IoT Developers follows. Click the HTTP Request link to view reference material for the API, including request body and response examples.

Session Management

Method HTTP Request Description
MethodPOST HTTP Request/session/login DescriptionStart a Connectivity Management session.
MethodPOST HTTP Request/session/logout DescriptionEnd a Connectivity Management session.
MethodPUT HTTP Request/session/password/actions/reset DescriptionGet a new ConnectivityM Management API password.

Device Service Provisioning and Management

Method HTTP Request Description
MethodPOST HTTP Request/devices/actions/activate DescriptionActivate service for devices.
MethodPOST HTTP Request/devices/actions/deactivate DescriptionDeactivate service for devices.
MethodPOST HTTP Request/devices/actions/delete DescriptionDelete deactivated devices.
MethodPOST HTTP Request/devices/actions/list DescriptionGet detailed information about devices.
MethodPOST HTTP Request/devices/prl/actions/list DescriptionGet current PRL version from devices.
MethodPUT HTTP Request/devices/actions/{serviceType}/actions/deviceId DescriptionSwap devices. Only ChangeIMEI, ChangeICCID, and ChangeIMEIandICCID Change4GOptions are supported.
MethodPOST HTTP Request/devices/extendeddiagnostics/actions/list DescriptionGet basic diagnostic information about a specified deviceConnectivity and Service History.
MethodPOST HTTP Requestdevices/usage/actions/list DescriptionRetrieve device usage history.
MethodPOST HTTP Request/devices/usage/actions/list/aggregate DescriptionRetrieve aggregate device usage history.
MethodPOST HTTP Request/devices/history/actions/list DescriptionRetrieve device provisioning history.
MethodPOST HTTP Request/devices/connections/actions/listHistory DescriptionRetrieve device connection history.

Service Plan

Method HTTP Request Description
MethodGET HTTP Request/plans/{accountname} DescriptionGet a list of service plans in an account.


Method HTTP Request Description
MethodPOST HTTP Request/sms DescriptionSend an SMS message to devices.
MethodGET HTTP Request/sms/{accountname}/history DescriptionRetrieve SMS messages sent by devices.
MethodPUT HTTP Request/sms/{accountname}/startCallbacks DescriptionStart delivery of queued SMS messages.


Method HTTP Request Description
MethodPOST HTTP Request/callbacks DescriptionRegister a callback listener URL.
MethodGET HTTP Request/callbacks DescriptionGet a list of registered callback listener URLs.
MethodDELETE HTTP Request/callbacks DescriptionDelete a callback listener URL.

Accounts and Leads

Method HTTP Request Description
MethodGET HTTP Request/accounts DescriptionGet information about an account.
MethodPOST HTTP Request/accounts/{accountname}/sku DescriptionRetrieve list of registered device SKUs.
MethodPOST HTTP Request/devices/actions/upload DescriptionUpload new device identifiers to the DMD.

Find Device Locations

Method HTTP Request Description
MethodPOST HTTP Request/locations DescriptionFind the locations of up to 20 devices. (synchronous)
MethodPOST HTTP Requestlocationreports DescriptionCreate a report of device locations. (asynchronous)
MethodGET HTTP Requestlocationreports/{account}/report/{txid}/index/{startindex} DescriptionRetrieve a device location report.
MethodGET HTTP Requestlocationreports/{account}/report/{txid}/status DescriptionGet the status of a device location report.
MethodDELETE HTTP Requestlocationreports/{account}/report/{txid} DescriptionCancel a queued device location report.

Table of Contents

What’s new in the Connectivity Management API

Getting Started

Introduction to the Connectivity Management API
Getting Credentials to use the API

Working with Verizon Wireless

About Device IDs
About Device States
About Device Reachability
Working with eUICC Devices
Service Provisioning Rules
About Callback Services
ThingSpace Data Retention Policy
Data Types and Units of Measure

API Reference

Session Management
Start a Connectivity Management Session
End a Connectivity Management Session
Reset Connectivity Management Password

Device Service Provisioning and Management
Activate Service for Devices
Deactivate Devices
Suspend Device Service
Restore Device Service
Deactivate Devices
Cancel Location
Set Device to a Custom State

Get Request Status
Check Order Status

eUICC Devices
Download Device Profile
Enable Device Profile
Disable Device Profile
Delete Device Profile
EID Device Swap

Device Management
Add Devices
Check Device Availability
Delete Devices
Find Mismatched Hardware
Retrieve Device Information
Change Device Identifier
Change Device Cost Center Code
Change Device Custom Fields
Change Device Contact Info
Change Device Service Plan
Move Devices
Get Device Diagnostics Information
Retrieve Device Suspension Status
Retrieve Device PRL Information
Upload Devices

Device History
Retrieve Device Usage History
Retrieve Aggregate Device Usage History
Retrieve Device Connection History
Retrieve Device Provisioning History

Device Reachability Monitoring - Diagnostics
Monitor Device Reachability
Stop Device Reachability Monitoring
Retrieve Active Reachability Monitoring
Retrieve Reachability Status

Device Groups
Create a Device Group
Update a Device Group
Get a List of Device Groups
Get Device Group Information
Delete a Device Group

SMS Messaging
Send SMS Messages to Devices
Retrieve SMS Messages sent by Devices
Retrieve SMS Event History
Start Delivery of Queued SMS Messages

Callback Management
Register a Callback Listener
List Callback Listeners
Deregister a Callback Listener

Account Management
Retrieve Account Information
Retrieve Service Plans
Retrieve Account Lead Information
Get a List of Custom Services and States
Reset Your Connectivity Management Password
Retrieve list of registered device SKUs
Upload new device identifiers to the DMD

Segment Management
Set Usage Segmentation Labels
Remove Usage Segmentation Labels
Retrieve Billed Usage
Retrieve Billed Usage List

Send/Receive Non-IP Data (NIDD)