Retrieve a List of Service Plans:

GET /plans/{accountname}

Returns a list of all data service plans that are associated with a specified billing account. When you send a request to /devices/actions/activate to activate a line of service you must specify the code for one of the service plans associated with your account.






Request Components

HTTP Request


Resource and Query Parameters

You must include the account name in the path.

Parameter Name Data Type Description
Parameter Nameaccountname
Data Typestring DescriptionThe name of the account for which a list of service plans will be returned. An account name is usually numeric, and must include any leading zeros.

Header Parameters

The request header must contain a current ThingSpace authorization bearer token and a valid VZ-M2M session token, and must set the content-type to JSON.


Parameter Name Data Type Description
Parameter NameAuthorization
Data Typestring DescriptionHTTP Authorization bearer token.
Parameter NameVZ-M2M-Token
Data Typestring DescriptionA valid session token returned by POST /session/login.
Parameter NameContent-Type
Data Typestring DescriptionMust be application/json.

Request Body


Success Responses

Status 200 A successful request returns an array of servicePlan objects that contain these values:

Parameter Name Data Type Description
Parameter Namename Data Typestring DescriptionThe name of the service plan.
Parameter Namecode Data Typestring DescriptionThe code of the service plan, which may not be the same as the name.
Parameter NamesizeKb Data Typeint64 DescriptionThe size of the service plan in kilobytes.
Parameter NamecarrierServicePlanCode Data Typestring DescriptionThe code that is used by the carrier for the service plan.
Parameter NameextendedAttributes Data Type  DescriptionAny extended attributes for the service plan, as Key and Value pairs.
Parameter Namekey Data Typestring DescriptionThe key for an extended attribute.
Parameter Namevalue Data Typestring DescriptionThe value of an extended attribute.

Example Success Response

    "name": "2MSHR5GB",
    "code": "M2MSHR5GB",
    "sizeKb": 0,
    "carrierServicePlanCode": "84638"
    "name": "TNTL200TALK",
    "code": "NTL200TALK",
    "sizeKb": 0,
    "carrierServicePlanCode": "74644"
    "name": "TNTL300SHR",
    "code": "NTL300SHR",
    "sizeKb": 0,
    "carrierServicePlanCode": "85135"
    "name": "2M250MB",
    "code": "M2M250MB",
    "sizeKb": 0,
    "carrierServicePlanCode": "84641"

Failure Responses

Status 400

All error messages are returned in this format:

  "errorCode": "error code string",
  "errorMessage": "error message string"

Error codes and messages are listed on the Error Messages page, along with explanations and suggestions for corrective actions.

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