Check if Devices can be Activated:

POST /devices/availability/actions/list

Checks whether specified devices are registered by the manufacturer with the Verizon network and are available to be activated. The information is returned in a callback response, so you must register a URL endpoint to receive DeviceService callback messages using POST /callbacks.

See also:
Retrieve Device Information
Activate Devices

Uses and Requirements

You can use this request to find out about the existence and status of these types of devices:

  • 2G/3G device - send the device ESN or MEID to find out if the device exists in the Verizon database, what the product type is, the device SKU, and whether it is associated with an active line of service.
  • 4G removable SIM - send the SIM ICCID to find out if the SIM exists in the Verizon database and whether it is associated with an active line of service.
  • 4G device with removable SIM - send the device IMEI to find out if the device exists in the Verizon database, what the product type is, and the device SKU.
  • 4G device with embedded SIM - send either the IMEI or the ICCID or both to verify their existence in the Verizon database, whether they are paired together, and the line activation status, as well as product type and SKUs.

Request Components

HTTP Request




Query Parameters


Header Parameters

The request header must contain a current ThingSpace authorization bearer token and a valid VZ-M2M session token, and must set the content-type to JSON.


Parameter Name Data Type Description
Parameter NameAuthorization
Data Typestring DescriptionHTTP Authorization bearer token.
Parameter NameVZ-M2M-Token
Data Typestring DescriptionA valid session token returned by POST /session/login.
Parameter NameContent-Type
Data Typestring DescriptionMust be application/json.

Request Body

The request body identifies the device and reporting period that you want included in the report.

Parameter Name Data Type Description
Parameter Namedevices
Data Typearray of deviceIds objects DescriptionA list of up to 2,000 deviceIds objects containing the devices and SIMS that you want to search for in the Verizon database. Each deviceIds object will have a corresponding element in the callback response.
To search for a 4G device and SIM pairing, include both the IMEI and ICCID in the same deviceIds object.
Parameter Name

Data Typestrings DescriptionThe type and value of the device identifier.
  • ESN - decimal, 11 digits
  • ICCID - decimal, up to 20 digits
  • IMEI - decimal, up to 16 digits
  • MEID - hexadecimal, 14 characters
Parameter NameaccountName
Data Typestring DescriptionThe name of the account that you want the callback response sent to.
An account name is usually numeric, and must include any leading zeros.

Example Request Body




Success Responses

Status 200

Parameter Name Data Type Description
Parameter NamerequestId Data Typestring DescriptionA unique string that associates the request with the results that are sent via a callback message.
ThingSpace will send a separate callback message for each device that was in the request indicating whether the operation succeeded for that device. All of the callback messages will have the same requestId.

Example Success Response


{"requestId": "595f5c44-c31c-4552-8670-020a1545a84d"}


Callback Response

The callback contains an array of deviceInfo objects, one for each device in the request. Each deviceInfo object contains these values:

Parameter Name Data Type Description
Parameter Nameid Data Typestring DescriptionThe value of the device identifier.
Parameter Namekind Data Typestring DescriptionThe type of the device identifier: ESN, ICCID, IMEI, or MEID.
Parameter NamedeviceSku Data Typestring DescriptionThe SKU of the device. May not be present for ICCIDs.
Parameter NameproductType Data Typestring DescriptionThe general type of the device. May not be present for ICCIDs.
Parameter NamedeviceFound Data TypeBoolean DescriptionTrue if the device has been registered with Verizon by the manufacturer.
Parameter NamedeviceSimPair Data TypeBoolean DescriptionTrue for IMEIs or ICCIDs from 4G devices with embedded SIMs; false for other 4G devices. This parameter may not be included for 3G devices.
Parameter NameassociatedWithMtn Data TypeBoolean DescriptionTrue for ICCIDs if the device is associated with a line of service. False for all other device identifiers.

Example Success Callback Response

This response includes the four devices from the example request, each representing different scenarios:

  • The first device is a 3G device that is found in the Verizon database and has a line of service.
  • The second device is a SIM that is found in the Verizon database and is associated with a device.
  • The third device is a SIM that is not found in the Verizon database.
  • The fourth device is a SIM-device pair that is found in the Verizon database.




Failure Responses

Status 400

All error messages are returned in this format:


      "errorCode": "error code string",
      "errorMessage": "error message string"


Error codes and messages are listed on the Error Messages page, along with explanations and suggestions for corrective actions.

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