Data Types And Units Of Measure


Data Types

The Connectivity Management API use the following data types:

  • All JSON data structures as defined at

    • object
    • array
    • string
    • number
    • true, false
    • null
  • ISO 8601 date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSxyy:zz

    • YYYY – the year; must be four digits.
    • MM – the month; must be two digits (01 to 12).
    • DD – day of the month; must be two digits (01 to 31).
    • “T” appears literally in the string, to indicate the beginning of the time element.
    • hh – hour of the day; must be two digits (00 to 23).
    • mm – minute of the hour; must be two digits (00 to 59).
    • ss – second of the minute; must be two digits (00 to 59).
    • SSS – decimal seconds, optional; if present, one or more digits. NOTE: Decimal seconds are not currently supported. If passed in, they will be ignored.
    • xyy:zz - time zone indicator, in one of four formats:
    • Z = Zulu time, more often called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
    • ±hh:mm = GMT plus or minus the specified offset of hours and minutes.
    • ±hhmm = GMT plus or minus the specified offset of hours and minutes.
    • ±hh = GMT plus or minus the specified offset of hours. Example: 2015-12-25T12:12:12-08:00
  • Time zone in responses: UTC (You are responsible for any conversion of time and date data to and from UTC time zone.)

Units of Measure

The units used by Wireless Network Services are:

  • Distance: Miles
  • Latitude and longitude: Decimal degrees