Set Usage Segmentation Labels:

POST /devices/actions/usagesegmentationlabels

Allows you to associate your own usage segmentation label with a device.


Uses and Requirements

Allow customers to associate a label to a device, ultimately to obtain billing and usage information for their own usage segments operated on devices operated by another party or customer. The customer assigning a label to a device is restricted to retrieving information for their usage segments, and cannot retrieve or access any other device information owned by another party.

For example, this API can be used for the automotive sector in cases where a streaming radio device is present.

You must register for the CarrierService callback service to receive the callback response.

Request Components

HTTP Request


Resource Path and Query Parameters


Header Parameters

The request header must contain a current ThingSpace authorization bearer token and a valid VZ-M2M session token, and must set the content-type to JSON.


Parameter Name Data Type Description
Parameter NameAuthorization
Data Typestring DescriptionHTTP Authorization bearer token.
Parameter NameVZ-M2M-Token
Data Typestring DescriptionA valid session token returned by POST /session/login.
Parameter NameContent-Type
Data Typestring DescriptionMust be application/json.

Request Body Parameters

Parameter Name Data Type Description
Parameter NameaccountName
Data Typestring DescriptionThe name of a billing account. An account name is usually numeric, and must include any leading zeros.
Parameter Namelabels
Data TypeArray of deviceIds and label objects DescriptionMaximum of 2,000 objects are allowed in the array.
Parameter NamedeviceId
Data TypedeviceId object DescriptionAn identifier for a single device.
Parameter NamedeviceId.kind,
required for deviceId
Data Typestring DescriptionThe type and value of the device identifier. Valid value is:
  • EID - 32 digits
Parameter Data TypeVarchar(20) DescriptionThe label you want to associate with the device.
Parameter Namelabel.value Data TypeVarchar (50) DescriptionThe label value.

Example Request Body


Success Responses

Status 200

A successful request returns the request ID.

Parameter Name Data Type Description
Parameter NamerequestId Data Typestring DescriptionA unique string that associates the request with the results that are sent via a callback message.

Callback Parameters

Parameter Name Data Type Description
Parameter Nameusername
Data Typestring DescriptionThe username for authentication.
Parameter Namepassword
Data Typestring DescriptionThe password for authentication.
Parameter NamerequestId
Data Typestring DescriptionThe unique ID of the asynchronous request.
Parameter NamedeviceResponse Data Typearray of usageSegmentationLabelsResponse objects DescriptionSummary of status of the device and label assignment.
Parameter NameusagesegmentationlabelsResponse Data Typearray of usageSegmentationLabels objects DescriptionThe response of usage segmentation label assignment.
Parameter NameusageSegmentationLabels Data Typearray of deviceId and label objects. Description 
Parameter NamedeviceIds Data Type  DescriptionAll identifiers for the device.
Parameter NamedeviceIds.kind Data Typestring DescriptionThe type of the device identifier. Valid types of identifiers are:
  • EID - 32 digits
Parameter Data Typestring DescriptionThe value of the device identifier.
Parameter Data TypeVarchar(20) DescriptionThe label you want to associate with the device.
Parameter Namelabel.value Data TypeVarchar(50) DescriptionThe label value.
Parameter Nameaction Data Typestring DescriptionThe type of action you are taking with the label. Valid values include:
  • set
Parameter NamelineStatus Data Typestring DescriptionIndicates the status of the label action. Valid values include:
  • Success
  • Failed(with description of failure)
Parameter NametotalLabelCount Data Typestring DescriptionThe total number of labels.
Parameter NamefailedLabelCount Data Typestring DescriptionThe total number of failed label assignments.
Parameter NamesuccessLabelCount Data Typestring DescriptionThe total number of successful label assignments.
Parameter Namestatus Data Typestring DescriptionThe status of the request response. Valid values include:
  • Success – The operation was completed and the asynchronous response was returned.
  • Failed – LineStatus would also indicate failed.
Parameter NamecallbackCount Data Typeinteger DescriptionTotal number of callback requests.
Parameter NamemaxCallbackThreshold Data Typeinteger DescriptionMaximum number of callbacks allowed.

Example Callback Request

The CarrierService sends the callback.

               "description":"The device does not exist"

Failure Responses

Status 400

All error messages are returned in this format:

  "errorCode": "error code string",
  "errorMessage": "error message string"

Error codes and messages are listed on the Error Messages page, along with explanations and suggestions for corrective actions.
