Get Basic Diagnostic Information about a Device:

POST /devices/diagnostics/actions/list

Returns basic diagnostic information about a specified device, including connectivity, provisioning, and billing status.

NOTE: This endpoint has been deprecated and may be removed. The newer version is Get Device Extended Diagnostic Information.


See also:
Get Device Information

Request Components

HTTP Request


Resource and Query Parameters


Header Parameters

The request header must contain a current ThingSpace authorization bearer token and a valid VZ-M2M session token, and must set the content-type to JSON.


Parameter Name Data Type Description
string HTTP Authorization bearer token.
string A valid session token returned by POST /session/login.
string Must be application/json.

Request Body

Identify the account and device ID in the body of the request.

Parameter Name Data Type Description
string The Verizon billing account that the device belongs to. An account name is usually numeric, and must include any leading zeros.
deviceId object The device for which you want diagnostic information, specified by the device’s MDN.
required for deviceList
string The type of the device identifier. Must be MDN.
required for deviceList
string The device’s MDN.

Success Responses

Status 200

The response contains a list of objects that contain basic diagnostic information about the device.

Parameter Name Data Type Description
deviceIds array Array of one or more identifiers for the device. string The value of the device identifier.
deviceIds.kind string The type of the device identifier.
attributes DeviceAttributes object Information about the device.
attributes.accountName string The account that the device belongs to.
attributes.groupName string The device group that the device belongs to.
attributes.mcc string Mobile Country Code, showing which country a device is registered in.
attributes.mnc string Mobile Network Code, showing which network a device is connected to.
attributes.pricePlan string The service plan that the device is assigned to.
attributes.skuNumber string The SKU of the device.
connectivity ConnectivityInfo object Information about the device’s network connectivity.
connectivity.connected Boolean True if the device is connected; false if it is not.
connectivity.ipAddress string The IP address of the device.
connectivity.lastConnectionDate date and time string The most recent connection date and time.
connectivity.lastDisconnectDate date and time string The date and time of the last disconnect.
connectivity.lastRoamingStatusUpdate date and time string The date and time of the most recent RoamingStatus information.
connectivity.networkIdentity string The device’s current base station ID.
connectivity.roamingStatus string True if the device is currently roaming.
provisioning ProvisioningInfo object Information about the device’s line of service.
provisioning.createdAt string The date and time that the device was added to the system.
provisioning.lastActivationBy string The user who last activated the device.
provisioning.lastActivationDate date and time string The date and time that the device was last activated.
provisioning.state string The current provisioning state of the device, which will be one of these values:
  • Pre-active
  • active
  • deactive
  • suspend
  • pending state-change-name
billing BillingInfo object Billing information.
billing.billingCycleEndDate date and time string The date and time that the device’s current billing cycle ends.
usage UsageInfo object Data and SMS usage information.
usage.currentBillCycleDataUsage string The sum of all data, in bytes, that the device sent or received since the beginning of the current bill cycle.
usage.currentBillCycleSMSUsage string The sum of all SMS usage since the beginning of the current bill cycle. This number includes all SMS messages sent by the device and all acknowledged messages sent to the device.
fota FOTA service object Device firmware information.
fota.fotaMakeAndModel string The device make and model.
fota.fotaCurrentFirmwareVersion string The firmware version that is currently on the device.
fota.fotaCampaignDateOccurred string The date of the last firmware update.
location Location service object Device location information.
location.locationSkuName string The name of the service bundle for location services.
location.lastLocationUpdate string The timestamp of the last time the device was located.
location.latitude string The last reported latitude of the device, in decimal degrees.
location.longitude string The last reported longitude of the device, in decimal degrees.

Example Request Body

  "accountName": "1223334444-00001",
  "deviceList": [
      "id": "7746853630",
      "kind": "mdn"

Example Success Response

  "deviceIds": [
      "id": "7746853630",
      "kind": "MDN"
      "id": "AB0DEF10002080",
      "kind": "MEID"
      "id": "7746853630",
      "kind": "MIN"
  "attributes": {
    "accountName": "1223334444-00001",
    "groupName": "Northwest Trucks",
    "mcc": "311",
    "mnc": "480",
    "pricePlan": "M2M4G",
    "skuNumber": "sk001"
  "connectivity": {
    "connected": true,
    "ipAddress": "",
    "lastConnectionDate": "2018-04-11T14:53:00Z",
    "lastDisconnectDate": "2018-04-11T14:52:00Z",
    "lastRoamingStatusUpdate": "2018-10-03T11:25:53Z",
    "roamingStatus": false
  "provisioning": {
    "createdAt": "2017-11-02T19:57:56Z",
    "lastActivationBy": "system",
    "lastActivationDate": "2017-11-02T20:03:55Z",
    "state": "active"
  "billing": {
    "billingCycleEndDate": "2018-10-31T07:59:59Z"
  "usage": {
    "currentBillCycleDataUsage": "917981249536",
    "currentBillCycleSMSUsage": "109"
  "location": {
    "locationSkuName": "TS-LOC-COARSE-CELLID-5K",
    "lastLocationUpdate": "2019-01-04T05:28:20Z",
    "latitude": "37.66174",
    "longitude": "-122.4264"
  "fota": {
    "fotaMakeAndModel": "Verizon Model-A",
    "fotaCurrentFirmwareVersion": "I705VRBMI1",
    "fotaCampaignDateOccurred": "2018-12-20T18:09:02.000Z",
    "locationSkuName": "TS-BUNDLE-COARSE-CELLID-5K-ECPD",

Failure Responses

Status 400

All error messages are returned in this format:

  "errorCode": "error code string",
  "errorMessage": "error message string"

Error codes and messages are listed on the Error Messages page, along with explanations and suggestions for corrective actions.

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