Streaming Guide


The Verizon Critical Asset Sensor contains a variety of sensors that make it a great solution for many use cases. The suite of environmental sensors includes:

  • GPS location (GPS and CellID)
  • Temperature
  • Atmospheric pressure
  • Humidity
  • Light
  • 3-axis accelerometer to detect shock and vibration
  • Gyroscope (tilt)
  • Battery level
  • Signal strength


This page contains instructions on how to set the device reporting frequency and configure streaming. You can also refer to the Global Asset Tracker Device Guide.

Set reporting frequency and GPS mode

The default configuration of the Critical Asset Sensor is to read and report all sensors every hour. You can change this to occur more frequently or less often, depending on your needs. Less frequent reporting provides greater battery life and uses less data. To enable WiFi location reporting, please refer to the Global Asset Tracker Technical Guide.

Read/Reporting Frequency frequency value
15 minutes High
1 hour Medium
4 hours Low
24 hours Ultra Low

The GPS receiver in the Critical Asset Sensor is enabled by default. If you don't need to track the device's location, you can disable the GPS receiver to provide greater battery life.

GPS Receiver "location_mode" value
Enabled. Location is sent with other sensor data. gps
Disabled disable

Use POST /devices/configurations/actions/set to change the reporting frequency and GPS mode. Note that the values are case sensitive.

curl -X POST \
   -H 'Authorization: Bearer efa34799723e58b1cf71fceaed941803' \
   -H 'VZ-M2M-Token: 7c5bc6e4-50f9-445d-8d6d-8fa0e108dea1' \ 
   -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
   -d '{ 
       "accountidentifier": {"billingaccountid":"1223334444-00001" }, 
       "resourceidentifier": {"imei": 864508030084799 }, 
       "configuration":{"frequency":"High", "location_mode":"gps"} 

NOTE: ThingSpace cannot send configuration change requests immediately because Critical Asset Sensors sleep during the “frequency” period and are not reachable until the specified interval elapses. When the frequency period has elapsed, the device wakes up to read sensors and send data to ThingSpace, and ThingSpace is able to send configuration changes to the device. The device then goes back to sleep for the period of time set by the (new) configuration.

Once you send a POST /devices/actions/configuration/set request for a device, you cannot cancel or overwrite it. After the device wakes up and gets the configuration change request you can send another request, if needed, and that request will be queued for when the device wakes up again.

Set up streaming

Refer to the following content in the Cloud Connector API  to set up streaming.

Viewing Data in AWS

After AWS and ThingSpace are set up, ThingSpace registers devices in the account as “things” in your AWS account, and streams data from those devices to the AWS account.

  • Go to the IoT Core page to see a summary of IoT traffic.
  • Click Manage > Things to see things created by ThingSpace (and from other sources). The names of ThingSpace Things are a device identifier (such as the IMEI) prefaced by “ts_“, such as ts_864508030084979.
  • Click a Thing’s name to see more information about that Thing.
  • Click Shadow while viewing a Thing to see the latest data values from the Thing. Critical Asset Sensor values will look similar to this:
    "reported": {
        "temperature": "20.7",
        "humidity": "36",
        "light": "0",
        "pressure": "896",
        "battery": "100",
        "acceleration": {
        "x": "0.0133",
        "y": "-1.0394",
        "z": "-0.0328"
        "orientation": {
        "motionInX": "268.0",
        "motionInY": "0.0",
        "motionInZ": "0.0"
        "signalStrength": "-58"

Interpreting Sensor Values

See the Global Asset Tracker Technical Guide documentation for a description of the different sensor readings, including the units of measure and value ranges and types of alarms.

Learn more about streaming data to your cloud solution by referring to the Global Asset Tracker Device Guide