Get usage trigger details:

GET /usage/accounts/{accountName}/triggers
GET /usage/accounts/{accountName}/triggers/{triggerId}

Retrieve trigger information about a specific trigger or all triggers in a given account.


See also:
Create a Usage Trigger
Update a Usage Trigger
Delete a Usage Triggers

Request Components

HTTP Request


Resource and Query Parameters

Use the triggers endpoint to get all triggers in an account, or specify a trigger ID to get a single trigger.

Parameter Name Data Type Description
string A Verizon billing account name, to retrieve all triggers that belong to that account. An account name is usually numeric, and must include any leading zeros.
string The UUID of a specific trigger to get information about that trigger.

Header Parameters

The request header must contain a current ThingSpace authorization bearer token and a valid VZ-M2M session token.

Parameter Name Data Type Description
string HTTP Authorization bearer token.
string A valid session token returned by POST /api/m2m/v1/session/login using the primary account’s UWS credentials.

Request Body


Success Responses

A success response includes a single object for one trigger, or an array of objects, each describing a single trigger.

Status 200

Parameter Name Data Type Description
triggerId string Unique ID of the new trigger.
triggerName string The name for the trigger.
accountName string The name of the billing account that the trigger is associated with.
serviceName string The name of the service that the trigger monitors, either location or fota.
thresholdValue string The percent of subscribed usage required to activate the trigger.
allowExcess boolean True if use of the service is allowed after reaching 100% of subscribed usage.
sendSmsNotification boolean True to send SMS text alerts to the specified smsPhoneNumbers
smsPhoneNumbers string A comma-separated list of phone numbers to SMS alerts to.
sendEmailNotification boolean True to send email alerts to the specified emailAddresses
emailAddresses string A comma-separated list of email address to send email alerts to.

Example Success Response

A response for an account that has two triggers:

    "triggerId": "595f5c44-c31c-4552-8670-020a1545a84d",
    "triggerName": "Location usage warning",
    "accountName": "1234567890-00001",
    "serviceName": "Location",
    "thresholdValue": "90",
    "allowExcess": true,
    "sendSmsNotification": true,
    "smsPhoneNumbers": "5558794321",
    "sendEmailNotification": false,
    "emailAddresses": ""
    "triggerId": "b56f3d7a-ca23-1456-5432-012d1545b123",
    "triggerName": "Location usage limit",
    "accountName": "1234567890-00001",
    "serviceName": "Location",
    "thresholdValue": "100",
    "allowExcess": false,
    "sendSmsNotification": true,
    "smsPhoneNumbers": "5558794321",
    "sendEmailNotification": false,
    "emailAddresses": ""

Failure Responses

Status 400

All error messages are returned in this format:

  "errorCode": "error code string",
  "errorMessage": "error message string"

Error codes and messages are listed on the Error Messages page, along with explanations and suggestions for corrective actions.