Get Check-in History for a Device:

GET /logging/{acc}/devices/{deviceId}/checkInHistory

Gets check-in history for a device in your account, not necessarily with logging enabled.

Uses and Requirements

Devices using HTTP for FOTA learn about new campaigns as they check-in to the FOTA system. Generally, devices are recommended to check-in once a day and at power on / power cycle. Device OEMs may decide to check-in more or less frequently depending on the use case of the IoT device. This history shows when the particular device checked-in.

Request Components

HTTP Request


Resource Path Parameters

You must include the account name and the deviceId in the path.

Parameter Name Data Type Description
string The name of the account for which you want to disable logging. An account name is usually numeric, and must include any leading zeros.
string The device IMEI identifier.

Header Parameters

The request header must contain a current ThingSpace authorization token and a current VZ-M2M-session token.

Parameter Name Data Type Description
string HTTP Authorization request header containing a valid Bearer token.
string A valid session token returned by a Connectivity Management POST /session/login request.

Request Body


Example Request

Get check-in history for a device:

curl$ACC/devices/$DEVICEID/checkInHistory  -H 'Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN' -H 'VZ-M2M-Token: $M2M_TOKEN'

Success Responses

Status 200

A success response contains a list of check-in history entries.

Parameter Name Data Type Description
deviceId string The IMEI of the device.
clientType string Client typeID and client type.
Valid values include:
  • 0- Uknown
    Used in rare cases where type is unknown.
  • 1 - Device
    Operating System (Apple, JetPack, Windows Phone)
  • 3 - RovaContainer
  • 5 - WiFiClient
    VZW Wi_FI Client (iOS, Android
  • 6 - RovaClient
    Enterprise Connect (Windows, Desktop, Android, iOS)
  • 7 - RovaClientAppStore
    Enterprise Connection iOS App Store build
result string Result
Valid values include:
  • 0 - Failed
  • 1 - Succeeded
  • 2 - Busy
failureType string Failure type.
Valid values include:
  • 0 - None
  • 1 - UnspecifiedError
  • 2 - AuthenticationFailure
  • 3 - EnrollmentPolicyFailure
  • 4 - DecryptionFailure
  • 5 - NoAssignedSetting
  • 6 - EncryptionFailure
  • 7 - ConfigurationErrors
timeCompleted string($date) The time completed.

Example Success Response

    "deviceId": "990013907835573",
    "clientType": "string",
    "result": "string",
    "failureType": "string",
    "timeCompleted": "2020-10-22T19:35:07.753Z"

Failure Responses

Status 400

All error messages are returned in this format:

  "errorCode": "error code string",
  "errorMessage": "error message string"

Error codes and messages are listed on the Error Messages page, along with explanations and suggestions for corrective actions.