About Aggregated Billing Services





ThingSpace allows one account to manage ThingSpace Services for other accounts, such as Device Location Services. The first account is referred to as the “primary account,” and the other accounts are “managed accounts.” The managed accounts’ use of ThingSpace services are billed to the primary account, so the primary account receives an aggregated bill for its own usage of the ThingSpace Service and the usage of the managed accounts.

Configuring for Aggregated Service Billing

Both the primary account and the managed accounts must send API requests to set up a managed service relationship.

  1. The primary account must have a subscription that allows aggregated billing. Contact your Verizon representative to learn more about aggregated or managed billing. The managed accounts do not need to have their own subscriptions for the service.
  2. From the primary account, send a login request to get a VZ M2M session token.
  3. Use the primary account session token to send a POST /managedaccounts/actions/add request to add the accounts to be managed under the primary account.
  4. From each managed account:
    1. Send a login request using the managed account’s UWS credentials to get a VZ M2M session token.
    2. Send a POST /managedaccount/actions/provision request to activate the managed service relationship.

To stop the managed service relationship, use the managed account’s UWS credentials to get a VZ M2M session token and then send a POST /managedaccount/actions/cancel request.

Viewing Aggregated Usage

You can use the POST /usage request to retrieve the number of transactions per account in a given period.

  • To see only the usage by the primary account, use the primary account name and set usageForAllAccounts=false.
  • To see only the usage by a managed account, use the managed account’s name. The usageForAllAccounts setting does not matter.
  • To see usage by all accounts, including the total number of transactions, use the primary account name and set usageForAllAccounts=true.