Traditional street-lighting infrastructures can be a huge energy—and financial—drain. Fortunately, now there’s a smarter, cost-effective way.

With Verizon Intelligent Lighting, you can remotely operate lights, individually or by group, or program them to turn on, off or dim based on pre-set definitions. That means lights are on when and where they’re needed, helping to both decrease energy costs and address residents’ safety concerns. And with City Hub, you can connect to more IoT solutions on an adaptable and easy to use cloud-based platform.

Gain control

Enables remote operation and control of lights, individually and by group.

Get Information

Receive near real-time notifications so you always know when a light is out.

Control costs

Monitor energy/power consumption, current, usage duration and more.

Address safety

Helps residents and visitors feel secure in their surroundings.

What is Intelligent Street Lighting?

The Verizon Intelligent Lighting platform converts LED fixtures into sensor-equipped smart devices that capture and transmit data in near real time. So you get full control over all lights, insights into the state of your lighting infrastructure, and access to an array of lighting applications and services.

How does Intelligent Street Lighting work?

Intelligent Lighting is a comprehensive solution that includes wireless connectivity, cloud hosting, hardware and software. The lighting control device connects to the NetSense platform where you can manage Intelligent Lighting and other applications such as traffic and parking solutions. Plus, you get analytics that provide temperature and energy monitoring.

Contact us to learn more and to get started.